>> This website has been quiet for while because I was artist in residence at De Waag April-June 2014, as recipient of an ICT Art Connect award from the EU <<
my blog for this project
contact me for the presentation I did at the european commission (it can no longer be downloaded at the ict-art.connect.eu residencies site).
July 25, 2014
my banyan tree has been published in interartive’s online journal of contemporary art and thought.
issue #55 on art and mobility, end sept 2013.
September 3, 2013
12th jan – 17th mar 2013
Sujata’s artistic endeavour emerges from the need to find interaction and convergence between the different sides of herself. Her work seeks a balance between Eastern and Western cultures, natural and man-made landscapes, science and art, observation and reflection. This arises from her background in different cultures – in the Netherlands for 11 years, she is British-Asian (born and raised in London, her family Indian) – and she originally studied physics. She tells her story indirectly and her work crosses different genres such as documentary and landscape. … read more
January 12, 2013